Happy 4th of July

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Happy 4th of July

Postby Don D » Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:15 pm

Happy 4th of July to all friends from Stratton Park. I remember for so many years the buying of fieworks was such a big thing leading up to the 4th. On the 4th, virtually every intersection in the neighborhood had their own display of an assortment of rockets, roman candles, helicopters, flower pots, ash cans, cherry bombs, m80's and firecrackers. It was always a great time to sit, watch and listen.

Have a great weekend and hope to see many of you next week at the Congers Picnic.

Don D
Don D
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Re: Happy 4th of July

Postby Les Sherwood » Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:29 pm

The neighborhood was like a war zone on the 4th esp on Archer St.
Have a great 4th to all.
Les Sherwood
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Re: Happy 4th of July

Postby marie-elena (ferracano) r » Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:39 am

Hello Old & New Friends,

I hope everyone had a sage & happy 4th of July. I agree, there were times, it was like a war zone.
my favorite 4th of July story. We live at 1543 Beach ave. My mom had gotten a new stove. But the
old stove could not be picked up for a few days. So the Paino's had a basement door, which hardly anyone used. So the stove was leaned against the basement door. As we all sat in front lighting off fireworks. But the police decided to drive around a few times that night. So we kept all our firework supplies in the oven & the side pot storage area on the old stove. It was my job to run up the steps & grab the whatever we were setting off next. we always ended the fireworks with my mom setting off the last Roman candle.
Now I spend the 4th with my sons, watching my neighbors shooting off fireworks, From my terrace, as I toast marshmallows on my grill. My family claims, I am like a big kid, when I see the pretty stuff being shot off. Hope you all, have a great time the rest of this weekend.
marie-elena (ferracano) r
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Re: Happy 4th of July

Postby JohnTell » Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:14 am

Some 4th of July fireworks behind The Treasury Building in Washington DC...what a great experience to be in Washington on the 4th...<:~)

JohnT :shock:
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Re: Happy 4th of July

Postby mary lamasney » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:21 pm

Dear John - What a great picture! Washington D.C. is a great city. Mary
mary lamasney
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Re: Happy 4th of July

Postby JohnTell » Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:05 pm

Mary... DC really is a great city with so much to do and see and it has great restaraunts too...

JohnT :shock:
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Re: Happy 4th of July

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:28 pm

John - if I'd known you were there I would have looked for you on TV. I'm sure you went just to see Barry Manilow, right, LOL.
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Re: Happy 4th of July

Postby JohnTell » Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:26 am

Marion...funny that you mention Barry Manilow...

We were walking from our hotel towards the festivities when lo and behold who do see getting into a big SUV on his way to the show...none other than Barry Manilow!!!...I was a bit too slow on the draw for my camera...<:~(

We didn't get to see him perform though...way too many people...when we saw the lines for the security check to enter The Mall we said; "...maybe we'll catch you on TV Barry..."...<:~)

Also the fact that you are penned in with about a MILLION people made me stop and think, what would our escape route be if something happened...we decided dinner in a nearby French Bistro was the better option....<:~)

Later on took a leisurely stroll over near The White House for the fireworks show...when it was over we were a few blocks ahead of the tidal wave of people...it was unreal... it looked like a Tsunami of people coming at us...just made it back to our hotel unscathed...<:~)
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Re: Happy 4th of July

Postby Kathleen » Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:52 pm


Continuing on the Barry Manilow story, Honey & I went to see him in concert here in Raleigh last year. And I do have to say, he was great. I found myself doing some pretty nifty cha-cha/samba steps to "Copacabana".

And as far as celebrity sightings in DC, I have a funny story. My son, Rory, lives in DC and was there for the inauguration celebrations. On his way to one of the balls that evening, he was leaving his hotel and saw a woman who was all dressed up and surrounded by a "huge entourage" (his words). He figured she had to be someone famous so took her picture with his cell phone. Well he was right, she was famous...Aretha Franklin! He forwarded me her picture. You never know who you'll see.

Again, I had a great time at the picnic. Thanks to all. Take care.

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Re: Happy 4th of July

Postby JohnTell » Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:08 pm

Kathleen...thank God for Miss Shields and Miss Sheridan for teaching you those Cha-Cha steps...<:~)

JohnT :shock:
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